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Oura Ring Plans Major New Feature Boost For Users

Updated Jul 30, 2024, 03:02pm EDT

Oura plans to fend off major competition from Samsung’s Galaxy Ring with a new meal-logging feature, according to new found in the Oura app.

Some work-in-progress code found in the Android Oura app by Android Authority reveals that the health company is planning to release a feature that tracks user meals. The feature isn’t yet active, but the code clearly shows how it will work.

The app will encourage users to track their meals in the Oura app and then make suggestions on their eating habits. For example, the app will explain that “eating at consistent times supports your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall and stay asleep at night.”

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Interestingly, the new Oura feature will also encourage users to “take a photo to detect your meal,” which uses AI to analyze the food and presumably guess the nutritional information and calories. There will also be an option to log meals manually. It looks like Oura will take a user's eating habits to see how it impacts sleep and other key health indicators.

After Samsung’s Galaxy Ring launched without a subscription, I asked Oura how it would compete with a device that doesn’t come with a monthly fee. In a roundabout way, the company told me that the Ring has several features that justify that additional price and that more tools are on the way.

“Oura Ring provides 50+ health-and-wellness metrics and insights, and in 2024 alone, we’ve shipped 14 new features. We’re not slowing down; we continue to focus on building value for our members and delivering the best personal health companion.” Oura CEO Tom Hale said in an emailed statement.

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This new feature follows through on that promise. This remains Oura’s selling point, it is continually improving the Ring. Its technology is both established and polished. I imagine Samsung won’t be far behind because it has made a big deal about AI in the Galaxy Ring with its Energy Score and Wellness tips features. There is already a food logging feature in Samsung Health, although it won’t recognize dishes with a picture.

Oura isn’t alone here, Google’s upcoming Pixel 9 will include a feature that scans images of food, or ingredients, and suggest recipe ideas. Simpler food tracking that is powered by advanced technology is clearly on the menu for 2024’s flagship hardware.

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