Scientists inspired the right guardrails for nuclear energy, the internet, and DNA research. Let them do the same for AI

British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell reads a statement signed by himself and eight other eminent scientists and calling for the renunciation of war because the hydrogen bomb threatens "the continued existence of mankind" in 1955. Among the signers was the late Albert Einstein and seven Nobel Prize winners. The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs is an international organization that has been bringing together scientists and public figures to work toward reducing the risk of global conflict since 1957.
British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell reads a statement signed by himself and eight other eminent scientists and calling for the renunciation of war because the hydrogen bomb threatens "the continued existence of mankind" in 1955. Among the signers was the late Albert Einstein and seven Nobel Prize winners. The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs is an international organization that has been bringing together scientists and public figures to work toward reducing the risk of global conflict since 1957.
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