GPTs – How to Personalize and Tailor GhatGPT

This is the final article in a series on prompt engineering for
ChatGPT. Over the course of the series we’ve presented a range of tools
designed to improve how you use this incredibly powerful tool.
The series was written after I took an online course on
prompt engineering. I’m stepping away from it now. While it offers a range
of tools from video creation to time management assistance, I’ve got what I
needed: A much better understanding of how to write prompts within ChatGPT. Here’s
one in the series, part
two, part
three and part
However, there’s one element that we haven’t touched on at all. And that’s
What Are GPTs?In addition to the generative, text-based AI ChatGPT, users of ChatGPT 4
can leverage

In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders

In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders
Read this Term specialized versions of the system to undertake specific tasks.
These specialized GPTs are designed to perform beyond text generation, and can
do things including audio synthesis, image manipulation, and more. The vast majority
have been created by independent developers or companies. Some are free, others
are paid.
Here’s an overview of just some of these specialized areas:
Text-to-Speech (TTS)One of the specialized features is text-to-speech (TTS) conversion. GPTs
in this niche use a version of the GPT model trained specifically to convert
written text into spoken words. Many can generate natural-sounding speech in
various accents and tones, making it useful for creating audio content for
videos, podcasts, or accessibility features. While voice actors will probably
do a better job, this is perhaps great for mockups or trials, or internal
training materials.
Image ManipulationAnother advanced GPT feature is image manipulation. These tools can
edit, modify, or generate images based on textual descriptions. They use a
model trained to understand and interpret visual information in conjunction
with textual descriptions, allowing it to perform tasks such as editing the
style of an image, changing specific elements within an image, or creating
entirely new images from scratch.
ChatGPT 4 users automatically get access to DALL-E, which can generate
creative and contextually relevant images based on textual prompts. This is
particularly useful for content creators, marketers, and designers who need
unique visual content that is tightly aligned with their textual themes.
Understanding and Generating Code For developers and programmers, there are GPT models trained to
understand and generate code. These models can assist with writing software,
debugging, or even learning new programming languages. They can generate code
snippets, explain complex code, and suggest improvements or alternatives.
Integration in Chat PlatformsThese specialized GPTs are often integrated directly into ChatGPT,
allowing users to interact with the model through a familiar text-based
interface. This integration makes it easy to use the capabilities of the model
without needing advanced programming knowledge.
Advantages of Specialized GPTsAccessibility: They make advanced functionalities accessible to
Efficiency: These tools can significantly speed up tasks like content
creation, problem-solving, prototyping ideas and image generation.
Customization: They can be adapted to meet specific needs or
preferences, enhancing their utility across different tasks and industries.
Challenges and ConsiderationsAccuracy and Reliability: While powerful, these tools are still being
developed and are prone to errors. Everything that an AI program outputs must be
carefully checked.
Ethical and Creative Considerations: Many people believe that AI images
or creations should be labeled as such to avoid confusing people, or potentially
distorting information. In addition, great care must be taken to avoid plagiarism,
or the spreading of false information.

work together with DALL·E to create your perfect image. you can talk to it until you get it just right!
— ChatGPT (@ChatGPTapp) April 3, 2024Getting StartedHere are some of the most interesting GPTs we found. ChatGPT 4 users
can head to the GPT store to fully
explore what’s on offer.
DALL·E – A text to image tool.
Canva – A tool designed to create a wide range of content, from presentations
to posters, social media content and more.
Writing tools – As a professional writer, I find almost all AI-written
text to need serious work, so I’m not going to recommend a GPT, but they are
out there, and many of them offer niche services, such as writing for SEO, CV
writing or more.
Diagrams: Show Me – This is a great tool that can quickly create useable,
good looking diagrams for a range of uses.
Code Copilot: This GPT helps you to code faster and with fewer errors
and can check your work.
Tutor Me by Khan Academy – This is a brilliant tool to gain insight on
new subjects.

need to brush up on math, science or humanities? use Khan Academy’s Tutor Me GPT
— ChatGPT (@ChatGPTapp) March 11, 2024However, you’ll most likely be interested in trading GPTs. They do
exist and they seem very popular. We’ll just caution you here. AI is fallible.
Coding is fallible. Perhaps spend a lot of time doing your research before
jumping in to AI trading with GPTs and never, never take anything they say as
the truth.
Incredible PotentialSpecialized GPTs expand the utility of the original GPT models by
providing tailored functionalities that address specific needs, from trading to creating social media or marketing

Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t

Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t
Read this Term copy, they’re incredible tools. Whether it’s
generating synthetic speech, manipulating images, or writing code, these tools
offer innovative solutions that enhance productivity and creativity. As AI
technology continues to evolve, the scope and sophistication of these
specialized models are likely to grow, further transforming how we work and
For more finance adjacent news, follow our Trending section.
This is the final article in a series on prompt engineering for
ChatGPT. Over the course of the series we’ve presented a range of tools
designed to improve how you use this incredibly powerful tool.
The series was written after I took an online course on
prompt engineering. I’m stepping away from it now. While it offers a range
of tools from video creation to time management assistance, I’ve got what I
needed: A much better understanding of how to write prompts within ChatGPT. Here’s
one in the series, part
two, part
three and part
However, there’s one element that we haven’t touched on at all. And that’s
What Are GPTs?In addition to the generative, text-based AI ChatGPT, users of ChatGPT 4
can leverage

In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders

In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders
Read this Term specialized versions of the system to undertake specific tasks.
These specialized GPTs are designed to perform beyond text generation, and can
do things including audio synthesis, image manipulation, and more. The vast majority
have been created by independent developers or companies. Some are free, others
are paid.
Here’s an overview of just some of these specialized areas:
Text-to-Speech (TTS)One of the specialized features is text-to-speech (TTS) conversion. GPTs
in this niche use a version of the GPT model trained specifically to convert
written text into spoken words. Many can generate natural-sounding speech in
various accents and tones, making it useful for creating audio content for
videos, podcasts, or accessibility features. While voice actors will probably
do a better job, this is perhaps great for mockups or trials, or internal
training materials.
Image ManipulationAnother advanced GPT feature is image manipulation. These tools can
edit, modify, or generate images based on textual descriptions. They use a
model trained to understand and interpret visual information in conjunction
with textual descriptions, allowing it to perform tasks such as editing the
style of an image, changing specific elements within an image, or creating
entirely new images from scratch.
ChatGPT 4 users automatically get access to DALL-E, which can generate
creative and contextually relevant images based on textual prompts. This is
particularly useful for content creators, marketers, and designers who need
unique visual content that is tightly aligned with their textual themes.
Understanding and Generating Code For developers and programmers, there are GPT models trained to
understand and generate code. These models can assist with writing software,
debugging, or even learning new programming languages. They can generate code
snippets, explain complex code, and suggest improvements or alternatives.
Integration in Chat PlatformsThese specialized GPTs are often integrated directly into ChatGPT,
allowing users to interact with the model through a familiar text-based
interface. This integration makes it easy to use the capabilities of the model
without needing advanced programming knowledge.
Advantages of Specialized GPTsAccessibility: They make advanced functionalities accessible to
Efficiency: These tools can significantly speed up tasks like content
creation, problem-solving, prototyping ideas and image generation.
Customization: They can be adapted to meet specific needs or
preferences, enhancing their utility across different tasks and industries.
Challenges and ConsiderationsAccuracy and Reliability: While powerful, these tools are still being
developed and are prone to errors. Everything that an AI program outputs must be
carefully checked.
Ethical and Creative Considerations: Many people believe that AI images
or creations should be labeled as such to avoid confusing people, or potentially
distorting information. In addition, great care must be taken to avoid plagiarism,
or the spreading of false information.

work together with DALL·E to create your perfect image. you can talk to it until you get it just right!
— ChatGPT (@ChatGPTapp) April 3, 2024Getting StartedHere are some of the most interesting GPTs we found. ChatGPT 4 users
can head to the GPT store to fully
explore what’s on offer.
DALL·E – A text to image tool.
Canva – A tool designed to create a wide range of content, from presentations
to posters, social media content and more.
Writing tools – As a professional writer, I find almost all AI-written
text to need serious work, so I’m not going to recommend a GPT, but they are
out there, and many of them offer niche services, such as writing for SEO, CV
writing or more.
Diagrams: Show Me – This is a great tool that can quickly create useable,
good looking diagrams for a range of uses.
Code Copilot: This GPT helps you to code faster and with fewer errors
and can check your work.
Tutor Me by Khan Academy – This is a brilliant tool to gain insight on
new subjects.

need to brush up on math, science or humanities? use Khan Academy’s Tutor Me GPT
— ChatGPT (@ChatGPTapp) March 11, 2024However, you’ll most likely be interested in trading GPTs. They do
exist and they seem very popular. We’ll just caution you here. AI is fallible.
Coding is fallible. Perhaps spend a lot of time doing your research before
jumping in to AI trading with GPTs and never, never take anything they say as
the truth.
Incredible PotentialSpecialized GPTs expand the utility of the original GPT models by
providing tailored functionalities that address specific needs, from trading to creating social media or marketing

Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t

Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t
Read this Term copy, they’re incredible tools. Whether it’s
generating synthetic speech, manipulating images, or writing code, these tools
offer innovative solutions that enhance productivity and creativity. As AI
technology continues to evolve, the scope and sophistication of these
specialized models are likely to grow, further transforming how we work and
For more finance adjacent news, follow our Trending section.

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