Warning of ‘risk to our survival,’ pope calls for global treaty on AI

ROME — He has dwelled on it in meetings with global tech executives and been the victim of a deepfake that went viral. Now, in his most sweeping statement on a technology poised to change the world, Pope Francis has issued a verdict on artificial intelligence.
In statement Thursday, Francis called for a binding global treaty on artificial intelligence, lauding its potential benefits while presaging its raw potential for destruction. He warned of the pitfalls of placing in human hands a “vast array of options, including some that may pose a risk to our survival and endanger our common home.”

“The goal of regulation, naturally, should not only be the prevention of harmful practices but also the encouragement of best practices, by stimulating new and creative approaches and encouraging individual or group initiatives,” Francis wrote.
The papal statement issued to commemorate 57th World Day of Peace found Francis returning to his role as global gadfly on weighty, timely issues — including climate change — that go beyond traditional religious teaching.
Though the Vatican’s voice may lack the power and influence of the past, Francis, and the Holy See more broadly, has sought to influence the debate on artificial intelligence for years, seeing a moral imperative to guide the evolution of a technology with almost limitless capacities.
Though impossible to measure, observers insist the pope’s focus on climate change has brought the moral imperatives of that issue into sharper spiritual focus. They suggest his fixation of AI could do the same for ethics and technology.
“I see fear circulating among people, including lay ones, about the need for rules and safeguards,” said Vito Mancuso, a Catholic theologian and writer. “So I think, and I hope, [what the pope said today] matters. This message is not about conversion, or changing minds, but only about safeguarding humanity.”
For the Vatican, the power of the technology hit home earlier this year, when a deepfake photo of Francis strutting in a chic, snow-white jacket went massively viral and signaled the enormous — even frightening — advances in AI-created imagery.
In what could have been a reference to technologies already being deployed in countries like China, Francis presaged the dangers of “social control” by AI. He questioned the ethics of leaving subjective judgments — who should get a mortgage or land a specific job — in the hands of unfeeling machines.
“The vast amount of data analyzed by artificial intelligences is in itself no guarantee of impartiality,” Francis wrote.
He embraced its promise too, saying AI offered “exciting opportunities” and describing it as the “brilliant product” of humanity’s creative potential. But he focused mostly on risks. At a time when smart drones are already being deployed on the battlefields of Ukraine, Francis called the rise of “Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, including the weaponization of artificial intelligence” a cause for “grave ethical concern.” A machine, he said, should not be making life and death decisions.
“The unique human capacity for moral judgment and ethical decision-making is more than a complex collection of algorithms, and that capacity cannot be reduced to programming a machine, which as ‘intelligent’ as it may be, remains a machine,” he said. “For this reason, it is imperative to ensure adequate, meaningful and consistent human oversight of weapon systems.”
The pope also sought to guide AI’s use, suggesting it not only be applied to tackling “fake news” and “disinformation,” but to tear down walls between cultures to foster “fraternal coexistence.”
His words come after European Union officials last week reached a landmark agreement on a sweeping piece of legislation that could ban the riskiest uses of AI and set a global standard for its regulation. Some activists say it still grants too many loopholes for the deployment of the technology by governments themselves.
But the European effort is leaps and bounds beyond regulation efforts in the United States, where bipartisan legislation has languished, and senators last week signaled that Washington would take a far lighter touch approach focused on fostering domestic research and development. In October, a global AI summit in Britain ended with an agreement only on a vague road map for promoting safety through existing international organizations, as well as “internationally inclusive” research on the most advanced future AI models.
Francis has already met with senior executives at Microsoft and IBM to discuss the ethics of technological breakthroughs, and in his apostolic exhortation on the environment in October, he warned of artificial intelligence’s potential to become to a “technocratic paradigm” that could “monstrously feeds upon itself.”

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