How To Access Google’s ‘Hidden’ Generative AI Image Creation Tool Now

How To Access Google’s ‘Hidden’ Generative AI Image Creation Tool NowBut get in soon, before the preview closesGoogle Generative AI Image Creation, screenshot by authorGoogle has quietly released a generative AI image creation tool, which requires steps to access that are so obscure you might have missed it. While many solutions vie for attention, Google appears to be playing the long game, leveraging its search dominance to integrate generative AI in a way that could transform image searches from functional to fantastical.
In the rapidly expanding universe of generative AI, where new tools sprout up daily, Google’s entry could have easily been just another blip on the radar. So why the foray into image creation?
The answer may lie in search. According to Semrush, an SEO marketing provider, Google’s global search engine market share is nearly 96%, compared to Bing’s 1.63%. With a commanding lead in the search engine market, it’s no wonder that Google wants to not only enter the fray but seamlessly weave it into the very fabric of search.
By introducing these capabilities within the familiar confines of their search engine, Google is poised to change how we interact with the web, offering a seamless transition from the discoveries of today to the AI-assisted creation of tomorrow. But their silent launch is no mere experimental playground; it’s a preview of what’s to come, accessible right now, and free — for the moment.
Though Google’s image creation tool has not been broadly advertised and is somewhat hidden behind a few landing pages — here’s how you can access the capability right now to test it out.
Accessing Google’s Generative AI FeaturesUnlocking Google’s generative AI capabilities isn’t as straightforward as a simple Google search. Hidden within the depths of Google Labs, these features await those curious enough to delve into the search giant’s vision of the future. To start, you’ll need just two things: the Google Chrome browser and a Google account.
Here’s how to begin your journey:
Launch Chrome: Open your Chrome browser. It’s the key to entering Google’s exclusive realm of experimental features. Remember, Google Labs’ magic is reserved for Chrome users…
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{Author}David Leibowitz{/Author}

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